{# /** * @file * * Default product template. * * Available variables: * - attributes: HTML attributes for the wrapper. * - product: The rendered product fields. * Use 'product' to print them all, or print a subset such as * 'product.title'. Use the following code to exclude the * printing of a given field: * @code * {{ product|without('title') }} * @endcode * - product_entity: The product entity. * - product_url: The product URL. * * @ingroup themeable */ #}
{{ product.field_images }}

{{ product.title }}

{{ product|without('variation_attributes', 'field_images', 'field_reviews', 'field_related_products', 'body', 'field_sale') }}
{% if product.field_sale[0]['#markup'] == 1 %}
{{ 'Sale!'|t }}
{% endif %}

{{ 'Description'|t }}

{{ product.body }}
{% if reviews_count %}

{% if reviews_count > 0 %} {% if reviews_count == 1 %} {% trans with {'context': 'product reviews title' } %} {{ reviews_count }} review for {{ title }} {% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans with {'context': 'product reviews title' } %} {{ reviews_count }} reviews for {{ title }} {% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{{ product.field_reviews }}
{% endif %}
{% if product.field_related_products|render != '' %}
{% endif %}